
在欧洲,传统足球(美国的足球)长期以来占据着至高无上的地位. Yet, American football is gaining traction, especially in Germany.

Samantha Pelham | January 17, 2024


在欧洲,传统足球(美国的足球)长期以来占据着至高无上的地位. Yet, American football is gaining traction, especially in Germany. 随着美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)在该国引入比赛,人气飙升, 引发了newbb电子平台和拜罗伊特大学之间的创新合作.

“鉴于现在观看和参与体育运动的机会越来越多,体育正变得越来越全球化,” Dave Ridpath, a professor of sports business at OHIO, said. “Even at the summit, 我们谈到了由于时区的原因,在周日早上获得一个永久的足球比赛位置是多么容易——机会就在那里,我们可以让它们成为现实.”

The football summit, conceived by Ridpath and University of Bayreuth's Dr. Tim Stroebel and Dr. Markus Seufert, 旨在利用体育专家和领导人在奥运会前在德国的集会,提供一个教育和信息活动. 

“这次峰会在德国和拜罗伊特大学都取得了巨大成功,” Stroebel, who teaches sport management and marketing, said. “It was a small idea that turned into a major event. 我们有各种各样的听众,包括当地的学生和教师,也有来自大学和地区以外的感兴趣的人. 这里的人们对美式足球很感兴趣,作为一所大学,我们正在思考如何帮助培养这种兴趣和参与度.”

Football Summit photo 1


Held the Thursday prior to the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Miami Dolphins game on Saturday in Frankfurt, over 400 people attended the summit either in person or virtually, 包括前印第安纳波利斯小马队四分卫安德鲁·拉克和前NFL总裁保罗·塔利亚布, as well as political dignitaries, representatives from the German and American football league, coaches, administrators and more.

The summit featured panels on the history of NFL games in Germany, the benefits of hosting games in Europe, and the potential for a permanent franchise, 在其他话题中,比如足球和美式足球在哪个更适合家庭和娱乐方面的区别.

“我发现有趣的是,美式足球有更多的娱乐焦点,除了在球场上发生的事情,还提供体验, parties and traditions,” Stroebel explained. “More groups of people and families can come together to participate.”

In addition to the various discussions, 那里有一个技术站,教授人们不同的足球技术, a local German football team taught people the nuances of the game, and many more activities that engaged those who attended. 甚至驻扎在德国的美国士兵也能从他们的基地上来参与并分享他们对NFL的热爱. 


Football summit Donna Kelce

Dave Ridpath(中)与newbb电子平台同伴Donna Kelce(左)和Myrna Fisher(右)合影。.

这次峰会确实展示了在欧洲建立一个更持久、更突出的特许经营权的兴趣和潜力. It also allowed for experts in the industry, such as Ridpath, 从全球视角获得关于体育的新见解,并与行业中的其他领导者建立联系. The night before the game, Ridpath参加了由NFL欧洲前总裁Oliver Luck主持的NFL欧洲聚会, with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and his mom, OHIO alum Donna Kelce, along with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell all in attendance.

“It was incredible to not only watch an entertaining game, but see how it’s done in another country,” Ridpath said. “比赛是在一个足球场进行的,这个足球场被改造成了美式橄榄球场, so I’m there focusing on everything else but the game at points. Looking at how the seating is set up, how they were able to transform this stadium, parking, concessions, 球场里的屏幕是如何工作的——他们在各个方面都做得非常出色.”

Because of the response from the summit, 施特罗贝尔认为,他们帮助在德国建立了一个美式足球网络, 将当地美式足球队的各种利益相关者与政治家联系起来, interested community members, experts and administrators, 以及来自自己大学的学生,他们可以从这些类型的联系中受益匪浅. 

“这次峰会来得正是时候,很好地表达了我们目前对美式足球的兴趣——我们正在举行峰会,” Stroebel explained. “More and more people are becoming interested and it’s only growing. This is not just a trending topic in the media, it has longevity to it and we at the University, along with our counterparts at OHIO, have the ability to research and analyze more about its impact.”

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俄亥俄州的Dave Ridpath与前NFL欧洲主席Oliver Luck在拜罗伊特大学合影.

newbb电子平台和拜罗伊特大学自2006年以来一直在合作交流思想, 通过与阿迪达斯的全球咨询研讨会和教师交流而蓬勃发展, in which Stroebel and Ridpath participated. 

“我认为教授交换是一种很好的方式,可以向对方的大学展示我们各自的机构在做什么,” Stroebel said. “我能够在雅典分享我的见解和观点,戴夫将他的知识带到拜罗伊特. That’s what an exchange is all about, 分享你的见解,向别人学习,希望你能给他们留下一些东西,同时也能带回一些东西.”

“我们与拜罗伊特大学的合作伙伴关系对两所大学的学生都非常有价值,我很高兴能够回到我所珍视的地方,与那些正在提升体育界的人一起工作,” Ridpath said.

Due to the success and popularity of the summit, Ridpath和Stroebel已经在拜罗伊特大学(University of Bayreuth)筹备第二届年度活动. 

“我们展望未来,希望这次峰会能够为德国美式足球的研究和实践之间的交流提供一个平台,” Stroebel said. “看看NFL在这里的参与将会发生什么,这将是一个有趣的未来几年, as well as its potential in other markets.”

This spring semester, Stroebel和Ridpath将继续合作,为newbb电子平台和拜罗伊特大学的学生提供一个专注于体育管理的虚拟课程. 学生们将共同努力,创造解决方案,并分享不同的观点.

Football summit Dr. Stroebel

The University of Bayreuth's Dr. Tim Stroebel presents during the Football Summit.